Fill the wrinkles and enhance the dimensions of your facial features
Filling Substance
Filling Substance made up of Hyaluronic Acid components which can also be found in your bodies, making it harmless to your health. It possesses qualities to reduce and fulfil wrinkles while also able to be utilised to enhance the dimensions of your facial features with rapid results.
In what areas of your body could you use Filling Substance?
Face, Under the Eyes, Cheek Groove, Lip and Acne Scars
Why should you consider injecting Filling Substance at Wansiri Hospital?
Because our medical experts are especially skilled in the area of facial redesign to provide you with the most beautiful and natural result according to your own specific preference. We use Fillers of the highest quality for you to be confident in the safety and result of the procedure.
Who should consider the Filling Substance treatment?
• Those who have loose skin
• Those who have wrinkles
• Those who wants to enhance the dimensions of their facial features
Outcome of the treatment?
• A more youthful appearance
• Reduction of wrinkles
• Enhanced facial dimensions