Can multiple surgeries on various body parts be performed at once?/What's the maximum number of surgeries that can be performed in one session?
Multiple procedures can be performed simultaneously, depending on the suitability and readiness of each individual.
Is there a consultation fee with a doctor at Wansiri Hospital?
Currently, Wansiri Hospital offers free consultations without any charges.
What does 'specialized cosmetic surgeon' mean?
It refers to a surgeon who has directly graduated in specialized cosmetic surgery and possesses specific knowledge and expertise in this field.
Is cosmetic surgery in Thailand different from Korea?
Nowadays, the tools and technologies for cosmetic surgery are comparable across countries. However, the difference lies in the experience and proficiency of the surgeons.
If you have a chronic disease, can you still undergo cosmetic surgery?
Not necessarily. Some chronic diseases don’t affect surgical procedures, so surgery can still be performed. However, a physician’s assessment may be required before surgery.