นายแพทย์เกษมศักดิ์ พยุงธนทรัพย์
Dr. Kasemsak Pyungtanasup
Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty
Educational Background
2013 Clinical Observer at Beaumont Health System, The Beaumont Hospital, 3601 W, Thirteen Mile Road, Royal Oak, Michigan 48703, USA Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and Microsurgery, lan Jackson and Cleft Palate Clinic, Oakland University, William Beaumont School of Medicine Reconstructive and Microsurgery July 1 through August 31, 2013
2013 Clinical Observer at The Valley Health System, The Valley Hospital 223 N, Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450, USA Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgery September 1 through 30
2002-2004 Residency of Plastic Surgery, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
1996-2002 Residency of General Surgery, Ramathibodi Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University