“Giving yourself the treatment that you deserve”
Fat Grafting
Prior to the injection of fat, the plastic surgeon will perform liposuction and remove Micro Fat cells from areas in the body where there may be excess fat (e.g. the patient’s abdomen, hips, thighs, etc). The blood and water components of the harvested fat cells are then removed, resulting in pure fat cells. These cells will be injected into the patient’s face in the desired areas to change their facial shape and structure with 50% to 70% of the fat injected being permanently fixed.

If you are experiencing :

Sunken or gaunt face, making you look more aged

Issues with under-eye swelling, eye bags or sunken eyes

Asymmetric facial features
Getting a Fat Graft is the perfect procedure for you, right here, at Wansiri Hospital
Why Wansiri Hospital ?

We have a team of devoted and attentive medical experts, certified by The Medical Council of Thailand

We have modern operating rooms, fitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment approved by international standards

We have medical anesthesiologists/anesthetists that allow for you to have a restful, pain-free procedure

We have endoscopic technology, minimizing post-procedure scars and swelling

We have subcutaneous surgical methods that tightens your skin in the Sub-SMAS (Sub-Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System) layer, ensuring long-lasting results

We are proud to present premium service standards to achieve the highest level of satisfaction

Fat Grafting
Injecting fat can help address issues like flat or sunken cheeks by increasing the fullness of the cheek area, or it can help plump up the cheeks. It can also be used to fill and improve concerns in deep under-eye areas and various deep wrinkles, such as under-eye wrinkles, laugh lines, deep cheek folds, and wrinkles around the mouth, and more. When it comes to facial fat injections, there isn’t just a single technique used at Wansiri Hospital. In fact, the hospital offers up to four different techniques that work together to make your face appear more youthful and attractive.

This is a process of extracting fat from the abdomen or thighs and processing it through a separation and purification process. The purified fat is then injected into the face to fill in areas with wrinkles or where fat has been lost, making the face look fuller, tighter, more youthful, and with enhanced definition. This procedure is suitable for individuals with sunken, wrinkled, or aged facial features.
Microfat Plus
This method involves taking the separated and purified fat cells and combining them with the components derived from your blood, This mixture, rich in growth factors, is used to enhance the effectiveness of the fat cells and reduce wrinkles, deep lines, and blemishes on the skin. It is injected into the face to rejuvenate and beautify it.
injection is performed to improve the skin’s overall condition and repair cells beneath the skin’s surface. It utilizes fat cells harvested from excess areas of the body, which are then processed through special equipment to obtain small-sized fat cells with regenerative properties. The result is smoother, clearer, and more youthful skin with reduced wrinkles, fine lines, and improved facial contours.
This method involves isolating fat cells using specialized technology and techniques to obtain a concentrated portion known as Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) that can develop into healthy fat cells. It is mixed with Microfat and injected into the face to fill in areas with wrinkles, dark spots, acne scars, and improve overall facial skin condition, making it look fresh, youthful, and beautiful.
At Wansiri Hospital, our team of medical experts can help you turn back the clock. By using carefully selected from the patient’s own body, it guarantees that the patient will not experience any kind of allergic reaction, residue, or rejection of the substance. The procedure returns to you a youthful and vibrant look, smoothing out your skin, all while being safe and minimizing any scarring.

Operation Duration
3 Hours


Overnight Stay

Recovery Period
No recovery, but the use of parts that receive the liposuction is limited

The bruises will be gone in 3-4 weeks (from the liposuction). The implants will be cured in 2 weeks

Follow-up Period
1 Week (Stitch removal) / 1 month / 3 months / 6 months
Pre-Surgery Preparation
Postoperative Care
What is the difference between Fat Grafting and other injection procedures (e.g. fillers, Bo, etc)?
Since the fat being injected into the patient’s face is extracted from their own body, there is no chance that the patient’s body will reject the injection or suffer from an allergic reaction, unlike other facial injection procedures. Additionally, the in
Is there a possibility that my skin may appear bumpy after the injection?
This may happen as results are dependent upon how the injection is administered. However, at Wansiri Hospital, we have a team of medical experts with years of experience in the field of aesthetic surgery. You can trust in our team to leave you with smooth
Where are the fat cells usually extracted from?
The fat cells may be extracted from the patient’s thigh (inner or outer) or their abdomen
How many times should I undergo the injection to see significant results?
It depends on the patient’s skin and how much of the fat has been dissolved or absorbed by the body. Patients often get one to two injections, but if the result from the first injection is satisfactory, then it is not necessary to repeat the procedure
Where on my body am I able to get a Fat Graft?
Patients are able to get a Fat Graft not only on their face, but also on other areas that they wish to rejuvenate or fill. Fat Grafts can be performed on the patient’s chest area, the back of their hands, or any other hidden points on the body
If I lose weight after the procedure, will the injected Micro Fat as well?
No, the injected fat cells will not fade or subside, but the size of the injected cells may shrink slightly
Will the area, where the Micro Fat is extracted from, become smaller?
Not necessarily. The surgeon will only extract the amount of fat needed to perform the procedure, which may not be enough to decrease or tighten the area being extracted
How long should I take a leave of absence from work or other activities?
It is not necessary to take a leave of absence from work or other activities unless the injected area is at risk of strong impact