How could you be sure that you are not allergic to your favourite foods?
Food Intolerance
Our program examines any hidden food allergies that our patients are not yet aware of. These allergies might cause symptoms that are not as reactive as ordinary allergies, causing a gradual build-up of symptoms by the continuous intake of prohibited foods that could lead to a long-term illness if not treated.
Possible symptoms that could occur due to Hidden Food Intolerance
• Hives (Urticaria), rashes and acne
• Muscle and joints pain
• Common cold, nasal congestion and chronic rhino-sinusitis
• Abnormal body weight and periods
• Flatulence, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea
• ADHD and Migraine

At Wansiri Hospital, we offer more than 220 types of Food Intolerance Tests through a straightforward blood test at our advanced medical laboratory. Our patients will receive their test results within one week after careful examination and learn the level of their tolerance for different food groups to then adopt a healthier eating habit.
Who should consider Food Intolerance Tests?
• Those who experience symptoms with unknown causes.
• Those who desire to live a healthy lifestyle through a preventive medication approach.
Outcome of the treatment?
• Able to prevent any chronic diseases and disorders caused by hidden food allergies.
• Able to appropriately design a healthy long-term dietary plan.