The balancing of hormone levels for your greatest health benefit
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormones are chemicals within your body that travel along your bloodstream to the cells in your tissues and organs in order for them to exert specific functions. Some of these functions include Growth Development, Sexual functions and Metabolism and more. As we grow older, our hormones levels will start to become imbalanced which might caused these following issues:
These factors in addition to many others will affect your health and the function of your cells.
• Insomnia
• Irregular Periods
• Low Libido (Loss of Sexual Desire)
• Depression and Exhaustion
• Hair Loss and Dry Skin
At Wansiri Hospital, we offer an inclusive program that was carefully constructed by our health experts for you. The program includes the examination of your hormone levels at our state-of-the-art lab to achieve a comprehensive breakdown of your conditions. We will then be able to pinpoint any concerns and administer appropriate levels of hormones where it is necessary along with the additional consultations by our experts for you to live the healthiest lifestyle going forward.
Who should consider Hormone Replacement Therapy?
• Those aged over 30 years old
• Those who experience irregularities for unknown reasons
Outcome of the treatment?
• We will be able to balance your hormone levels
• Improve Health