Rectify your skin concerns with laser treatment
Laser skin treatment can be utilised to repair various concerns whether it would be your unhealthy skin condition, uneven skin tone, acne scars, pockmarks, melasma, freckles, blemishes and excessive body hair. At Wansiri Hospital, our team of experts are prepared to consult and offer you with any recommendations for the most suitable and effective procedure for your specific skin condition.
Who should consider Laser treatment?
• Those who experience dark and uneven skin tone
• Those who have acne scars and pockmarks
• Those who are concerned about moles, melasma, freckles and blemishes
• Those who wants to remove excessive hair on different areas of the body
Outcome of the treatment?
• Glowing skin and even skin tone
• Soft and soothing skin with fading of blemishes
• Fulfilment of pockmarks and smaller pores
• Hair-fall, Hair thinning and Slower hair growth